Joke Categories

Money Jokes

Pizza Boy

“What’s the usual tip?” a man growled when, Jason, a college boy delivered his pizza. ๐Ÿ•

“Well,” Jason replied, “this is my first delivery, but the other guys said that if I got a quarter out of you, I’d be doing great.”

“Is that so?” grunted the man. “In that case, here’s five dollars.”

“Thanks,” Jason said, “I’ll put it in my college fund.”

“By the way, what are you studying?” inquired the man.

Jason replied, “Applied psychology.”

Debit Drollery

Q: Why did the credit analyst avoid making jokes?
A: He didn’t want to risk a bad rating!

Savings Snickers

Q: Why did the piggy bank go to the doctor?
A: It was feeling a little stuffed up!

Broke Blues

Q: What’s a hedge fund manager’s favorite type of music?
A: Heavy metal… they love bands!

ATM Antics

Q: Why did the ATM keep taking breaks?
A: It suffered from cash withdrawals!

Coin Chuckles

Q: What coin is always unhappy?
A: A penny for your thoughts!

Banking Banter

Q: Why did the dollar break up with the penny?
A: Because it found out she was just small change!

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